Colour-coded Awards

Colour coded awards are made for good performance at events that have colour coded courses. Colour courses are usually available at Level B(National), Level C(Regional) and Level D(Local Events). The Colour Coded awards are not available for courses that only have entry by age group.

The Colour Awards are for White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue and Brown courses. For those colours that have both Short and Longer Courses in the colour e.g Very Short Green, Short Green and Green, qualification for the Green award can be achieved from any of the different 'Green' courses. The same applies to Orange, Blue and Brown.

How to Qualify for an Award.

A White Award can be made to anyone who completes three White courses.
The Colour Coded Standard for courses other than White is either the time that is achieved by 50% of those who started the course (including the retirals and disqualifications), or 150% of the winner's time - whichever gives the largest number of qualifiers.
A competitor qualifies for a colour award (other than White) by attaining the Colour Coded Standard for that course on three separate occasions.
Pairs can qualify for the awards on the White, Yellow and Orange courses.

How to Obtain Your Award.

SCOA Colour Awards are available by sending evidence of your 3 qualifying results to Glyn Thomas - and he will arrange for the Colour Award Badge to get to you.